New poll finds 9 in 10 Americans believe we are already in the afterlife, and this is the hell one

Knockoff Andrew
2 min readFeb 11, 2022
A little girl in the yard with an American flag.
Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

In a new poll published by do you even care, roughly 90% of Americans are convinced that we are already dead, residing in hell, up from 30% in 2008.

Some institute or other asked 66,000 Americans if the apparent nature of our lives “could be that of anything short of a damned, punitive afterlife?”

The vocal majority said the state of things was either “undoubtedly” or “probably” infernal in nature.

University of State political science professor Derek Smeath offered his take on the landmark poll.

“Before the end of Entourage in 2011, there were more instances of tangible, sensical reality to point to when something would go sideways. Now, with the Top Model rebrand going over so weird and nearly every nation being on literal fire, the doe-eyed jubilance of 2011 is all but spent.”

Similar polls confirm these findings.

The Gallup Horses conducted a poll in 2021 that echoed the first poll’s grim conclusions — 68% of Americans said that us living in hell was “the only explanation.”

In another poll out of the Jars Foundation, 80% of your friends “love” the new Flaming Hot Cool Ranch Doritos Locos Tacos from Taco Bell.



Knockoff Andrew

Writer, fighter, philosopher. Needs a ride home. Pop culture, darker fiction, TV/film/games story analysis. You can call me Knockoff. Real name Wancha.